memórias e esquecimentos

  As palavras proferidas em maio de 1985 pelo então presidente alemão, Richard von Weizsäcker, por ocasião dos 40 anos do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, foram inequívocas: “O 8 de maio foi um dia de libertação. Ele nos libertou do sistema desumano e da tirania do regime nazista”. A considerável ressonância, nacional e internacional, […]


“The term vocabulary, broadly defined, includes two categories: receptive and expressive. Receptive vocabulary includes all of the words that a person understands when listening or reading, but may or may not feel comfortable using in speech or writing. Expressive vocabulary includes all the words a person feels comfortable using in his or her own spoken […]


“Graduation is a curious mixture of ceremony, ritual, pseudo-religious imagery and young people feeling like they’ve achieved something against the odds. Which means there’s a lot in common with a Harry Potter adventure”. Full article (just if you have nothing better to read)